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August 29, 2018

Thompson Statement on Trump Calling Hurricane Maria Response ‘Fantastic’

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s comments today on the Federal government’s response to Hurricane Maria:

“The President’s comments today on Puerto Rico are simply not based in reality.  The Federal response to Hurricane Maria cannot, in any fashion, be described as ‘fantastic’.  The President contradicts his own Administration’s 2017 Hurricane Season After-Action Report where FEMA admitted they were simply unprepared and did not know what was happening on the ground for days after the storm made landfall.  The President would be best served by not attempting to rewrite the history of his Administration’s poor response to a storm that claimed the lives of 2,975 Americans.”  

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